ForbesGA Tech Chapter

福布斯環球聯盟 Tech

福布斯環球聯盟 Tech

福布斯環球聯盟 (Forbes Global Alliance, ForbesGA),是福布斯媒體集團旗下的全球化交流平台。有賴於福布斯國際影響力和跨行業資源,密切融合福布斯中國 (Forbes China),以線上線下豐富多元的客製化內容及活動,為各行各業的新銳領導者,提供別具一格的學習、成長、交流與合作機會。

福布斯在亞太區唯一的官方會員組織,創立了滿足會員不同人生階段、職場階段需求的精英會員服務社區。與美國Forbes Council成立的初衷類似,我們致力於召集來自各行各業的領導者,提供獨一無二的權益組合服務,創建高濃度的思考圈和社交網,幫助每位成員提升社會影響力,開拓新的人生領域。

People and culture

Our people are what make us unique. Rather than outsourcing our construction engineers from questionable outsourcing establishments, we provide them with an environment that supports professional growth.

We are strong believers in giving our employees a voice. Our teams are put together with the help of our resident psychologist to ensure maximum productivity and engagement.

woman wearing black scoop-neck long-sleeved shirt
woman wearing black scoop-neck long-sleeved shirt
Esther Bryce

Founder / Interior designer

woman in black blazer with brown hair
woman in black blazer with brown hair
Lianne Wilson


man standing near white wall
man standing near white wall
Jaden Smith


woman smiling wearing denim jacket
woman smiling wearing denim jacket
Jessica Kim
